I decided to start a Sunday Scripture series on my blog. 1, to help me become better at reading my scriptures since this will help me be accountable, and 2, because I want to write out my thoughts and practice talking about gospel principles so once I have kids I can confidently teach them about God and answer their questions.
The ironic thing is this first week isn’t even a scripture, ha. I wanted to share a story from my ancestors that I find pretty cool. I don’t know if even some of my cousins know about it so I wanted to share with them what an amazing family we come from.
This story is about my 5th great grand-father, Bradley Barlowe Wilson Sr. (Don’t you think that name is awesome! I love it for some reason.) He was born in 1769 in Massachusetts. His father’s name is Deliverance Wilson, which is probably the coolest name. Anyways, the story starts in 1836 where Bradley Barlowe and his family of seven boys live in Ohio.
This is the story according to the Deseret News. To give a bit of context Bradley Barlowe Wilson and his family lived in in the area of Perry, Richland, Ohio and in May 1836, Elder Oliver Granger and George Albert Smith came into town as missionaries of the new LDS church.
“Coming into the neighborhood as Mormons, these missionaries were received with coldness, were refused the use of the school house to preach in, and were threatened with violence, unless they left the locality. Learning the condition of affairs, and knowing it was the usual custom for other denominational preachers to have the use of the school house, the Wilson boys told the travelers they would constitute themselves a committee of seven to see fair play. Accordingly, notice of a meeting was given out, with the Wilsons on guard, services were held without disturbance. On taking leave of the family the next day, Oliver Granger (the senior missionary) told them they would yet join the Church, but received for answer simply, ‘I guess not,’ from the old gentleman. The preachers had not been on the road many hours, however, before they were overtaken by a man in a wagon with a summons for them to return. Their defenders of the previous night had reconsidered and were ready for baptism.”
The fact that the Wilson family stood up for these two missionaries and guarded the doors tells us a lot about the standards and morals the family had. Also that all seven boys came together to defend and that all seven sons and their wives got baptized (says in another source) shows what a tight-knit family they were as well! The sons became known as the ‘Seven Brothers’ after the exodus from Nauvoo. Six sons lived out the rest of their lives in Utah, except for the youngest who moved to San Bernardino, California, all faithful Latter Day Saints members until their death.

Here is more info about Bradley Barlowe Wilson Sr. I highly suggest you go in and read more about the Wilson family. Their great faith and the way they served everyone around them inspires me to be more proactive in saying what is right and have a more outward look of service instead of always thinking about myself. I am grateful to be their descendant and I want to make them proud.
Definitely go and read about the Benjamin Lewis Benson family as well, this is another amazing story: a letter to Joseph Smith about a vision he had!
Take some time today and read stories about your ancestors on FamilySearch.org! Every person has an amazing story, I would love to hear any of them below.
Happy Sunday!