Jul 25, 2020 | Currently Loving
The Best Learning Tower & Table Roundup
I have had a number of people ask me about this table I use for Hazel. It is actually a learning tower that converts into a table and I am obsessed with it! I researched for months to find one that could be used for both (to save on space) and here are a few of my favorites. My rules were: it had to be convertible and designed to take as little space as possible. A lot of the ones I’ve seen at stores get so wide at the base (for obvious safety reasons) that it was just too bulky to me.
We decided to transition Hazel out of a high chair at 13 months, earlier than what is usual, for two reasons: 1) she was throwing food and trying to climb out. 2) I am passionate about teaching my kids independence and autonomy. Both she and I have loved this freedom, and it’s the cutest thing seeing her climb up and sit in her own little chair, then walk to the sink with her dish when she’s done.
With this newfound freedom, of course, there are learning curves like teaching her to not wander past the kitchen, to keep her plate on the table, and that she can’t eat standing in her chair. The fact that she will wander during the middle of dinner and make it go twice as slow doesn’t bother me and I believe she still eats as much as she would if she was buckled into a high chair. It has been fun to see her develop similar habits to us like bringing her plate to the sink when she’s done and taking a rag to wipe off her eating area (definitely something I encourage!).
We’ve used it a handful of times as a tower and I am excited to use it more when she is old enough to help out in the kitchen. Enjoy the selection of convertible tower tables I found during my research and join the early high chair transition group!