E-CoursesLegal Help

Influencer Marketing Guide to FTC Compliance

This attorney-drafted mini-course is a guide to the best disclosure practices in influencer marketing and native advertising. The course looks at the most common concerns around disclosures for social media influencers and how those disclosures can adequately comply with the current Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines. The content covers the most common social media platforms (Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat) and also addresses live videos in the various mediums.

Wordpress PluginsSEO

Schema Pro

Take your website up a notch and integrate schema.org’s JSON-LD code onto your website and improve SEO!

Wordpress PluginsWooCommerce

WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features

If you would like to have a plug-in that will auto-add a coupon depending on certain rules this is the (free!) plug-in for you!

Wordpress PluginsWooCommerce

WooCommerce Deposits

This plug-in will give you the ability to let your customers have the option to pay in full or pay a deposit on a large purchase.

VideographyHome Video

“Yakety Yak” — The Coasters


Redirect Single Pages of a Custom Post Type to a Custom Field URL

while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
header('Location: ' . get_field('link'));

CodeARIA & ADA Compliance

ARIA for Contact Form 7 Checkboxes

$('.wpcf7-list-item-label').attr('role', 'checkbox');
$('.wpcf7-list-item-label').attr('aria-checked', 'false');

$('.wpcf7-list-item-label').on('touchstart click', function(e){ 
   if ($(this).is('[aria-checked="true"]')) {
       $(this).attr('aria-checked', 'false');
   } else {
       $(this).attr('aria-checked', 'true'); 


Activate code on browser resize and not just manual refresh

$( window ).resize(function() {});


Budget Boot Camp

VideographyUpbeat & Adventure

“Closer” — Powers

Organization Tools

Google Drive

I use Google Drive to hold certain files so I can access it from either my laptop or my desktop monitor. I keep a few photos that are important to me (as well as on a hard drive) and I mostly use Google Drive to organize all my Excel Sheets and Google Docs that are shared with people, such as our budget/tracking expenses sheet, or documents for clients or church members.

Organization Tools


I use Asana to create tasks for my clients and keep us on task for their website development.

I also use Asana as my church Relief Society secretary. We keep things organized and make sure we are all on the same page on things.

Organization Tools


I use Lightroom to organize my digital photo library. Google Photos is my second recommendation but I love that with Lightroom I can create custom tags and it is very easy for me to find exactly what I’m looking for because I can control exactly how my folders are structured.

Organization Tools


I use Trello to organize my client calls and information they send me. I also use it for an editorial calendar, ideas I want to expound on or learn for my business, and a board for all my creative projects I want to do.

Organization Tools


I use Evernote for ALL my notes. I use this because I can access it from both my phone and computer, add photos, and create Notebooks (categories). A few of my Evernote notes include lists of:

  • Blog/Business/Dev
    • Notes from podcasts/webinars/skillshare videos/e-courses
    • Quotes I want to use when practicing my calligraphy
    • Watercolor Supplies List (what I have and what I need)
    • Idea dumps for projects
    • Fonts I like and want to purchase in the future
    • Outline for future e-courses I want to create
  • Family/Home
    • Mantras or Phrases I want to remember or say as a Mom
    • A huge list of traditions
    • Baby Shower Gift Ideas
    • Ideas of allowance & money management for kids to reference in the future
    • List of ideas or goals I want to accomplish with my babies
    • Quietbook Ideas
    • A List of Needs/Wants in Dream Home
    • Ideas for Laundry organization and rules
    • Random blog posts I loved to reference when kids are older
    • Notes to reference when writing in my children’s Promptly Journals or for our Family Year Book
    • Date Ideas categorized in Free, Random, Little Planning, Lots of Planning, At Home, After Kids (probably copied over from a blog post)
  • Christian/Church of Jesus Christ Related
    • Favorite General Conference Talks
    • Food Storage
    • Notes from books on topics like Atonement, Holy Ghost, etc.
    • List of activities to bring more Christ into Easter/Christmas season
  • Travel/Goal-Setting/Random
    • Things to buy when we move
    • St. Louis Bucket List
    • List of vegetables/fruits I want to garden in my dream garden and tips for each kind
    • 30 Day Challenge Ideas
    • Healthy Living Goals
    • Ranking Built Bars so we know which we want to order next time
    • Recipes
    • Notes from good books
    • Waste-Free Gifts (more experiences than things)
    • Hashtag groupings for Instagram

Photography & Presets

G Presets


Take out .html and redirect

Source: ^/(.+).html/?$
Destination: ____.com/$1


Adding Affirm Payments

<div id="more-information">
<p class="affirm-as-low-as" data-page-type="product" data-amount="{{ current_variant.price | money_without_currency | remove: '.' | remove: ',' }}"></p>


Delete All Featured Images for Posts

global $wpdb;
$wpdb->query( "
DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta 
WHERE meta_key = '_thumbnail_id'
" );


The Family Narrative

This retreat is focused on the art and business of running a sustainable family photography business.


Make Video Fluid / Responsive

.videoWrapper {
	position: relative;
	padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */
	padding-top: 25px;
	height: 0;
.videoWrapper iframe {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;

VideographyRoyalty-Free Music

Premium Beat

Great place to find royalty-free music, this link will take you to the free tracks but you can filter all kinds of different categories like mood, genres, duration, instruments, and more!

VideographyRoyalty-Free Music


These are great for Instagram videos since they don’t cost a penny and most of them don’t include any words so they won’t detract from your video.


Software Update and Local Dev doesn’t work

Open Terminal:

cd /etc/apache2

make a copy of all httpd.conf files (usually there is a httpd.conf, httpd.conf.pre-update, and httpd.conf.after-update):

cp /etc/apache2 ~/Desktop

Rename httpd.conf to something like httpd.conf.2020-update and then rename httpd.conf.pre-update to httpd.conf (link to a httpd.conf match):

sudo mv httpd.conf httpd.conf.2020-update
sudo mv httpd.conf.pre-update httpd.conf

Restart apache:

sudo apachectl restart

If that doesn’t work, cd to extra folder and replace httpd-vhosts.conf with previous or this file:

<Directory "/Users/mckenzierucker/blogs">
  Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride All
  Require all granted
<Virtualhost *:80>
  VirtualDocumentRoot "/Users/mckenzierucker/blogs/sites/home/wwwroot"
  ServerName home.test
  UseCanonicalName Off
<Virtualhost *:80>
  VirtualDocumentRoot "/Users/mckenzierucker/blogs/sites/%1/wwwroot"
  ServerName sites.test
  ServerAlias *.test
  UseCanonicalName Off

Save and restart apache.

If that doesn’t work, try deleting ‘Order allow,deny’ and ‘Allow from all’ lines and add ‘Require all granted’. Save and restart apache.

If that doesn’t work, vim httpd.conf file and uncomment this line:

LoadModule php7_module libexec/apache2/libphp7.so

If that doesn’t work, go back to /apache2 folder and sudo vim httpd.conf file and uncomment the include line with httpd-vhosts.conf (take out the #. Restart apache.

Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

If that doesn’t work, vim httpd.conf file and make sure this line is uncommented. Restart apache.

LoadModule vhost_alias_module libexec/apache2/mod_vhost_alias.so

If that doesn’t work, make sure apache is turned on:

sudo apachectl stop
sudo apachectl start

From here on, do apachectl configtest and check this line by refreshing the browser when this is active:

tail -f /var/log/apache2/error_log

Don’t forget to try this line on your project’s dir too:

sudo chmod -R g+rwx wwwroot/; sudo chown -R _www:staff wwwroot/;

This is a good line to check that your config file is all good:

sudo chmod -R g+rwx wwwroot/; sudo chown -R _www:staff wwwroot/;

Another line to check:

tail -f /var/log/apache2/access_log


Remove Tasty Pins Hover

 Remove Tasty Pins hover
 Disable Tasty Pins Pinterest image hover button.
 remove_action( 'wp_head', array( 'Tasty_Pins\Frontend', 'action_wp_head_print_pinit_js' ) ); 

Encouraging Creative Kids

I will definitely be purchasing this course, just waiting for the right time to buy it! Love all the Elise does and I love seeing how much creativity she is instilling in her children so I know this will be a great course.

WpFASTER WordPress Speed Optimization Master Course

I learned SO much from this course and I can’t wait to implement it for my client’s sites. It goes over so many things and he explains the confusing theories of web speed very well so that anyone can understand them, even those with zero coding knowledge. Definitely a good one to look into.


Digital Course Academy

I would love to take this course by Jenna Kutcher and Amy Porterfield.


Be your own CFO Course

On my list of courses I’d like to take. It is a small business owners’ simple guide to bookkeeping and taxes

CodeSite Speed

Add Async Flag to Script Produced by Autoptimize

function my_ao_override_defer($defer) {
 return $defer."async ";