ShopifyCodeShopify Code

How to add fonts to a Shopify site

Make it a fonts.scss.liquid and then add {{ ‘fonts.scss.css’ | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }} to theme.liquid

Example of formatting:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'BeausiteGrandThin';
    src: url('BeausiteGrandThin.eot');
    src: url('BeausiteGrandThin.eot') format('embedded-opentype'),
         url('BeausiteGrandThin.woff2') format('woff2'),
         url('BeausiteGrandThin.woff') format('woff'),
         url('BeausiteGrandThin.ttf') format('truetype'),
         url('BeausiteGrandThin.svg#BeausiteGrandThin') format('svg');



This app allows you to add the cost price so you don’t have to calculate the profit of your sales. You can view reports and charts to help you make informed business decisions!


Apps by BOLD

BOLD makes great apps for Shopify, including recurring orders, uploading files for custom products, and more!


Cross Sell

This Shopify App lets you hand pick of your product page’s related items. By default, Shopify themes will show ‘You May Also Like’ related products based on categories but you may want to specifically choose products that would go together, like curating an outfit or displaying ‘get the look’ from the product photos. This app will do that and give you full control!


Collection Filter

This gives your customers an easy way to search by your options, like size, color, type, etc.


MailChimp for Shopify App