
Here are all the Youtube channels I have my kid’s Youtube profile subscribed to. Yes, I HIGHLY recommend creating an email of one of your kid’s names and creating a separate Youtube account for your kids. I included channels I subscribe to that are specifically for my church’s Come Follow Me curriculum since that is an important segment in our homeschool days!

Homeschool Youtube Channels

Crunch Labs

Homeschool Youtube Channels

CNN 10

Homeschool Youtube ChannelsWorld History — Science — Social Science — Religion — Biology

Crash Course

They have tons of “crash course” videos that give a synopsis of large topics like religions. I also like the handful of videos I’ve seen with a question as the theme, specifically the anatomy and zoology videos. I like the deep explanation of things and the bits of humor added throughout. Seems like a great channel for the older kids that are getting bored by the “kiddy” educational videos around.

Homeschool Youtube ChannelsScience

Crash Course Kids

They haven’t added content since 2016, but the content that is on here is definitely worth looking at for fun graphic science explanations on a number of things!

Homeschool Youtube ChannelsReligion — Christianity

Bible Project

These videos are visually interesting topics and summaries and answers to religious questions. They are great for both kids and parents to enjoy!

Homeschool Youtube ChannelsZoology

Australia Zoo

This channel has tons of Irwin videos and so it’s a great spot for all things animals!

Homeschool Youtube ChannelsArt

Art for Kids Hub

This is a popular channel and a great way to have some independent “screen-time” that is also learning. Art is a must-have subject for young children and they do a great job giving all kinds of drawing suggestions and video tutorials!

Homeschool Youtube ChannelsZoology

Animal Planet

If your kid likes animals, this is a good one for real-life content all about animals. Some of the content is a miss but an of the ones with the Irwins are obviously fantastic.

Homeschool Youtube ChannelsHistory

A Kid Explains History

The channel hasn’t made new videos since 2021 but I think some of the videos still available are a great introduction to history since kids just enjoy listening to other kids.