
Here are all the Youtube channels I have my kid’s Youtube profile subscribed to. Yes, I HIGHLY recommend creating an email of one of your kid’s names and creating a separate Youtube account for your kids. I included channels I subscribe to that are specifically for my church’s Come Follow Me curriculum since that is an important segment in our homeschool days!

Homeschool Youtube Channels

Whiz Kid Science

Homeschool Youtube Channels


Homeschool Youtube Channels

The Good and the Beautiful Kids

Homeschool Youtube Channels

The Good and the Beautiful Homeschool Science

Homeschool Youtube Channels

The Artful Parent

Homeschool Youtube Channels


Homeschool Youtube Channels


Homeschool Youtube Channels

Smithsonian Science Education Center

Homeschool Youtube Channels


Homeschool Youtube Channels

Sick Science!

Homeschool Youtube Channels

SciShow Kids

Homeschool Youtube Channels


Homeschool Youtube Channels

Science Sparks

Homeschool Youtube Channels

Riko’s Reading Room

Homeschool Youtube Channels

Ranger Rick

Homeschool Youtube Channels


Homeschool Youtube Channels

NPR’s Skunk Bear

Homeschool Youtube Channels

National Wildlife

Homeschool Youtube Channels

Nat Geo Kids

Homeschool Youtube Channels

My First Bible

Homeschool Youtube Channels

MTC for Kids

Homeschool Youtube Channels

Mr. DeMaio

Homeschool Youtube Channels

Miss Nina — Music & Movement for Preschool

Homeschool Youtube Channels

Minute Physics