I decided to follow Elise Joy’s email prompt and I asked myself these two questions: What did you do in 2019? And then, How do you feel?
What were the highlights? What lessons did you learn? How do you want to move forward with next year because of how you’ve changed this year?
What I did in 2019
I had a baby! We purged over 300 items in our home. I read 12 books. I was able to nurse for 8 months. We paid off some debt! We moved to a new city. I made some great new friends. I got to work on some awesome sites with amazing clients! I accomplished an awesome handful of projects that have been on my mind for years!
And also:
I watched 4 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy in one month. My income took a big dip. I didn’t start any regular exercise habits. We moved into an apartment half the size of our last and we have very little room. I’ve got handfuls more of projects sitting half-done in forgotten corners of the house.
How do I feel?
Overall, I feel great. Just the fact that I had a baby and kept her alive and thriving for an entire year makes me happy. At times, I felt like I should be able to get so much more done but looking back I was probably overworking myself as it is. Which is why I think I felt discontent and a little off for a few months in the year.
I love what Elise says about the importance of answering these two questions (with honesty) so that we can make any necessary changes for next year. In order to know how we can grow, we need to stop and reflect so we can make resolutions that actually make sense.
Then Elise goes on to say the next part is to think about how you want to feel.
In 2020, I want to feel…
I want my time to be used intentionally. Using a planner to schedule out my days (both work and fun) will help me work in time for the things that are important to me but slip through the cracks, for example, scripture study.
Hazel will be older and need more of my full attention. I want to be on my phone less, maybe make a rule that I have it put away while she’s awake.
Less Stressed
I want to feel like I’ve got free time to do whatever I want. Which means I need to take on less clients and say no a lot more.
I want to feel more confident this next year. I will get dressed for real every day. Wash my face and take care of my body. Let myself get out of my comfort zone and be silly just to be silly.
Don’t go into the goal-setting without figuring out your why. You need a reason and a purpose, first!