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I’m McKenzie and I make stuff like it’s my job. More specifically, I design brands & develop websites for people that want to share their amazing ideas with the world! I also love to do personal projects. Whether it’s through design, photography, knitting, calligraphy, cooking, crafting — I’ll try just about anything! My motto is: Why be a master in one thing when you can be great at dozens of things...

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BabyJournal — 1 min read

Moments I want to Remember | March 2019

Getting our first real smiles this month!

The mixture of sweat and breastmilk after hours of nap cuddles.

The stinkiest of toots I’ve ever smelled from a child ha!

Arched back stretches and big long yawns.

The softest chubbiest cheeks.

Cutest little baby snores.

Cuddles while binge watching Marvel movies in chronological order.

The most hilarious moans and grunts while eating. Especially after a bottle of formula or a long nap!

BabyLetters to my Child — 2 min read

Dear Baby | Trimester Three

We are at the final countdown! To us you are no longer “baby” but have a name. We are so excited to meet you and find out what you look like and who you are.

This trimester has had it’s aches and pains but overall it has been pretty easy. It is definitely a waiting game though; I feel bad for spending so much time sitting on the couch watching TV and sleeping in but I know this will be the last time in a very long time I will get to do that.

Dad likes to talk to you through my belly and you love to sit perfectly still when he tries to feel your kicks. You are a hiccuper and I’ll feel you hiccup almost 4 times a day. Whenever I start to worry and get anxious you seem to move or kick me as if you are trying to tell me to calm down, that you’re just fine.

I think because we waited three long years and have had so much time to dream and prepare for you, we can enter this season with our eyes open and be ready for such a colossal change. We are patiently/impatiently waiting for you to join our family!

Love, Mom