We were planning our Spring Break trip to California to visit Ryan’s parents and realized it was way way expensive. We planned on telling them we couldn’t come and that day my mother-in-law called me and asked, “What do you guys think of going to Hawaii?”.
Umm. Heck yes!
The tickets were the same price, so why not go to Hawaii instead? We were there for a week and had a blast. I had gone when I was about 14 so it was fun to go as an adult and be there with Ryan. And we always enjoy his parent’s as company!
A few weeks prior to our trip we had purchased a drone. We love documenting our lives (although most of the time they are way boring) and Ryan and I love gadgets. We are both spenders so no one stopped the other – luckily I have a job or else we’d be screwed ha.
So of course we brought our drone with us and even if it had broken at the end of this trip I feel like we got our money out of it. We had a BLAST using it, and the video from it is absolutely stunning! Ryan is pretty pro at flying drones and whatnot but he said it really is foolproof and it gets those pretty slow shots even when you’re flying it at full speed. The quality is seriously like a movie. I’m too scared to drive it, maybe this summer I can get some practice in. We can’t wait to think of what else we can capture with it! If anyone wants a wedding video just call the Rucker’s! 😉
Anyways, we had lots of fun. I surprised Ryan with Groupon Parasailing for his birthday month and it was amazing! We drove around North Shore, ate at Ted’s Bakery, Duke’s, visited the LDS Temple and BYU Campus, and ate ourselves through many a plate meal haha. Also lots of slushies and ice cream. The whole week it was pretty cloudy and somewhat sprinkly/rainy but honestly, it was great because the one super sunny day we had was all our Iowa white skin could handle ha.
When we returned home, our jet lag was a real problem but I became super-video-editor at 3 AM and edited our trip video all in one night! The song is so good it’s called ‘Feels Great’ by Cheat Codes and I’ve got it stuck in my head now. Not complaining. Ryan did an amazing job getting so many different shots. We make a great team – he shoots, I edit!
Blue Geometric Dress
I love this dress so much, it’s light-weight and flowy so perfect for hot weather and is very flattering. A travel essential for me!
Shop NowEnjoy the video!