Happy birthday to our little 1-year-old Hazel!
I am not a hugely emotional person when it comes to most things. But when I looked at this post with all of the photos from a year ago at the hospital I was crying from pure happiness. These photos transform me back to that place and I can feel every emotion in those moments. I can even feel the temperature of the room, those feelings are so real.
It has been 365 days since that amazing day. In a year, we have watched her grow and is just starting to show us the bright light she is going to be.

We celebrated Hazel’s birthday early so Ryan could participate before he left town and she had plenty of fun smashing into her cake. Two Walmart clearance mini cakes with raspberries and a dollar store candle on top, and a clothesline of her monthly onesies is all the decorating I did, but I loved the simple family party we held for her.
Before we could even stop her, Hazel immediately snuffed out the candle with her hand and that was the end of her “Happy Birthday” song. She is a fearless little girl who finds joy in every little thing.

She loved “feeding” us and it’s sweet to see the special relationship she has with her Dad.
There is so peace in knowing that she is such a miracle and a gift that I never want to take for granted.
I never want to feel sad for the time that is passing or wish that time would stand still. I just want to be happy for the opportunity Ryan and I have to raise this precious girl in our family.

Her name still rings true: God Sees Us.
Oh, what a year it has been! Here comes even more fun and happiness I’m sure.
Here is our 1 second video from the entire first year of Hazel. Enjoy!