Monday was field trip day. Today as a full day in Negev (the dry south of Jerusalem). It’s usually translated in the scriptures to south. We first stopped at a Lakiya Weaving place that was started all by women. It was super cool and we learned the process of the beautiful sheep/goat/camel rugs they make.
Our next stop was Beer Sheba. This is in the Bible and known to be the city where Abraham built a well. We went to the Tel of Beer Sheba which is an excavation site of an old city in 900-600 BC times! During excavating, they found an altar with the same descriptions as in Exodus with the horned corners and it was maybe used as a sacrificial altar so that was super cool.

It was super cool, they restored a lot of it and you could see it all at the top of the lookout! Pam and I with Tel Sheva in the back!

We went down into the city’s cistern which held their water. It was super cool! It’s amazing
how they were able to store so much water and a whole city flourish in the middle of the desert!
Heather and I in our hard hats! (I guess so we didn’t bump our heads going into the cistern. Our next stop was the Wilderness of Zin. This place is where the Israelites wandered for 40 years. It’s translated as the wilderness of sin in the scriptures.

Just one perspective of the huge wilderness surrounding all around me.

Shelly, me, Jaymie, Jerica, and Dwight in front of some nasty water in the desert. But if you were thirsty i guess water is water!
We did an hour hike and it was easy to see how they could murmur because it was super hot and super tiring. It was really cool though, we hiked up this super steep hill and we found old munk cave houses that they would live in because they were like the hard core isolation munks.

A bridge we had to cross, I felt super legit!

It said no passage but we went anyways.

The end of the very steep hill. So intense. I now know why they murmured so much, haha.

Sitting on some shelf of a isolation monk’s house cave.
We took a group picture and I just had to take a picture of Brother Jackson our field trip teacher and head director of the JC. Our last stop was Avdat which was the biggest caravan trading place for the Incense Trail which was like the highway through the desert back then. It was abandoned because of a huge earthquake so it was in good shape because usually it’s completely destructed and destroyed in war so nothing is standing up besides restoration but a lot was still up and they are restoring more of it now and it was cool to see all that and the view was nice.

Heather and I inside a Byzantine chapel ruins and little cave houses all down the hill.

This day was a full day field trip so we were starving (our packed lunch was a wimp of a lunch) and there was a Mcdonalds down hill so we all booked it down for food!

A really cool arch Devery and I took a quick pic with as we were running down the hill to McDonalds!

I got the one and only oreo mcflurry. If you know me, I loooove mcflurries, ever since I was little. Just ask my mom. So this picture is for my mom and my family because even in Jerusalem I can still eat my favorite
sweets! 🙂 It was a really fun field trip! I learned a lot and it was great to see more sites from the scriptures.