Have you heard an idea or loved how someone specifically phrased it, so you jot it down? I just went through dozens of my iPhone notes and found a handful of these jotted down inspiring sentences. No indication of where they came from (usually podcasts). No further explanation. Just a quick idea and I love every single one! So I thought I’d share them with you. Take one that stands out to you and jot it into your iPhone notes maybe.
Jump into our strength and follow our heart.
Celebrate your smallness.
I start my day with the sky.
Replace competition with connection. Connect or compare. You can’t do both.
Less panic in being perfect and more striving to be pure in Christ.
A dream so long in coming, but truly right on time.
True relationship growth happens when we’re thinking, feeling, and relating at the same time.
Imperfect parents raising imperfect children relying on a perfect God.
Girl’s night topic: How do you usually feel misunderstood?
Sometimes to take care of yourself, you have to be misunderstood. Learning to be comfortable with being misunderstood.
Cultivate a work environment where any individual can innovate and not just execute. Allow team to feel empowered and engaged in the process creates a sense of natural ownership and accountability which helps the team thrive and feel connected.
Innocence is a frame of mind, not lack of knowledge.
Closed mouths don’t get fed.
If you don’t open your mouth and share what’s going on in your life honestly, then you don’t avail yourself to feel the Spirit, be strengthened, or be fed spiritually.