I have always imagined myself writing a letter to my child and it’s finally happening! I can’t even tell you how much we’ve been longing to have you join our family little one. You are so loved and so many people are rooting for you to join our family too. All the years of waiting for you will feel like nothing, I know it.
I’m not gonna lie, I have been anxious this whole trimester. Not sure if this is the real deal, if I will get to hold you in my arms or if you’ll slip through just like last time. Once we made it past 9 weeks and every time I checked my doppler and heard your strong heartbeat I felt better and better. I didn’t want to get my hopes up so I didn’t take many pictures, kept your ultrasound hidden in our drawer, and we didn’t announce to anyone until 10 weeks (which felt like forever!). But I feel confident you’re here to stay.
I just can’t wait to meet you, do all these things I’ve been waiting for since I was barely a teenager. We think you are a girl but we will be happy either way! It was so exciting to finally announce to the world that we were expecting, you have so many people that love you but no one loves you more than your dad and I. Weird to write out dad like that like it’s nothing. We are excited to bond more with you the next couple months and meet you in no time.
Love, Mom