So. I have been debating when to start a blog for a while now.
First, because I feel like a blog is somewhere for old married women to post of their wonderful lives of being a wife and mother and have cute little stories of their kids saying the darnest things and posting pictures of cute DIY projects they come up with. Siiiiigh…someday…
Second, because if you know me, you know that I am horrible with words. I am not a great writer, so being a witty blogger with interesting ways of saying things is not my forte.
My third example would be my life is boring. But that’s not an option anymore. Because the main reason I am starting a blog is because in a few months I will be going to Jerusalem.
I was accepted into the BYU Jerusalem Center. I leave April 24th and come back August 9th. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I am super excited about.! I know this will be a life-changing experience! (more information to come.)
Because it’s a new year, I thought, hey let’s just start a blog at the beginning of the year. So this is a New Year’s Resolution. Whether people will read my blog or not I guess really doesn’t matter.
It’s a new year. I am ready for change. I am ready for adventure. And it will all be posted here where people can see my take on life – and be in the shoes of Kenzie Sue!