It’s Christmas season, WHAT?! Seriously this whole year flew by. I feel like everyone says that every year, but it’s true.
Now that Ryan and I have been married for 2 1/2 years, this Christmas season feels a bit different. We are talking about traditions we want to start as a family. And although we still live in a rental, this place feels more like a home and I’ve got the Christmas decoration bug. I’ve also got the cold bug which isn’t fun. Thank goodness for internet and Christmas shopping online! I’ve specifically got the stocking bug. I love the idea of stockings all along our fireplace (we actually have one!) but I am finding it hard to decide which will be “our” Christmas stockings.
“I like this one but what if they stop selling it when I have kids?”, “I like this now but will I like it in 15 years?”, “I could definitely make this but it’s so much easier to pay the $50….but not really since $50 is a lot for a stocking.” Are just a few things going through my head while I try to decide which to buy.
I’ve signed up for ShopStyle not because I want to make $$$ on all you people who are just rushing to my site to see my latest styles but so I can get more familiar with these affiliate companies and I can teach my clients how to use them. Plus it’s fun to see all the prettiest products on one search bar. So naturally I spent 20 minutes looking at all the stockings and I’ve gathered my favorite right here for all of you! I can’t decide if I want our family stockings to be in unison or if each person gets a unique one. I also want to be careful I don’t choose one that is very cute now but will look outdated or “2016 trendy” in a decade or so. SO hard to choose!! But all of these are pretty cute.
Below is a DIY stocking I found that I thought were pretty cute as well! You can find one tutorial here and the other here.
Although sequins and fur are super cute I’ve decided to nix those off my list. I just am not sure if those will stand the test of time unless done really well aka expensive. My favorite right now is Pottery Barn’s beautifully simple red stockings with the personalized name (image below). I also love this Christmas tree stocking, but I feel like I could make it and save myself 30 bucks. We’ll see which I decide to do, hopefully before Christmas! Which stocking is your favorite?