Since 2018 I have chosen a word for the year (all except 2020, which turned out to be a break for a lot of things). I really enjoy the idea of picking a word that captures what I want the coming year to signify, an encouragement or intention of sorts.
The word of the year represents what I want to work on and what I want more of in my life. It is the intention that I hope will guide me over the year. Previous years were: listen, enjoy, and confidence.
I’m not going to lie, when thinking of a word for this next year of motherhood and life, the first word that comes to mind is “survive”. I write this as both my 2 and 1-year-old climb on top of me like a jungle gym. Why are their nails so incredibly sharp? How do they know the exact moment I sit down for a break and then they ask for help? Most days it feels like I have a personal space of -9 and with my youngest on the cusp of walking and having an opinion for what toy he wants, I know I am in for a wild ride.
2021 pushed me to what felt like my limits as a mother and I have felt a lot of worry that I am not capable of being the mother/wife/person I want to be.
Although “survive” could be a fair word, it is not how I want to view this phase of early motherhood life I am in. I know I have the ability within me to thrive as well as survive. When I came across the word bloom as a word idea to focus on this year, it instantly resonated and just felt right for 2022.
To bloom in my mind is to mature into achievement of one’s potential—to flourish in beauty, freshness, and excellence. To become fully expressed. That is exactly how I feel and hope this year will be. This new exciting chapter for our family (big move and graduation) has such a freshness and clean slate to it. I have felt like a winterized bulb ready to flourish and bloom. Like a long neglected plant holding on to survive, with just a bit of love, patience, and work, I will bloom.
I have felt like I’ve been prepping and hibernating during the years of student life and am finally ready to achieve the potential I know I can be. I have never felt a word fit so perfect. It’s a very exciting, nerdy moment.
Behind the idea of bloom are lots of little lessons I want to remind myself throughout the year. Such as:
- Just like a flower, I am one of God’s beautiful creations that has the power to be something amazing because of and through Him. I need to rely on my Creator to fulfill the measure of my creation.
- It is impossible to bloom without roots and nourishment. A plant needs light, soil, air, and water. It will not reach it’s full potential with just one. I need to be nourished in a variety of ways: my focus is the light in God’s word, filling my lungs with air and exercise, getting outside and dirty in the soil, and taking care of my body by simple things like drinking water and eating right.
- A flower doesn’t bloom overnight – Not only is this a lesson on patience, but a reminder that change takes time and perseverance day after day, hour after hour, minute by minute.
- Nothing in nature blooms all year – I can learn to have grace for myself and remember that this year will include seasons of no growth or change and that is okay.
- There is no competing for flowers, it just blooms – There is no need to compare my life and growth with others.
- I can appreciate the small things – A bloomed plant calls you to stop and notice the joy in life. I want to live in the moment more in 2022.
The transformative, expansive, powerful potential of a bloomed flower feels very hopeful, right? In fact, don’t they feel full of life in general? To feel alive, that’s what bloom feels like to me.
Here are some of my favorite quotes with the word bloom in it!
“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.”
“Bloom where you are planted.”
“Happiness blooms from within.”
“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.”
“Nothing in nature blooms all year – be patient with yourself.”
“One day you will look back and see that all along you were blooming.”
“Every flower blooms in its own time.”