Ryan and I just got back from our belated honeymoon! We invited Aaron and Drew to come with us because cruises are way more fun with other people. And we are glad we did! We had a fantastic time with them and had lots of laughs.
The first stop was St. Thomas. Unfortunately, Drew’s flights were all messed up and she missed checking into Puerto Rico so Aaron was a third wheel for the first day. We picked her up from the airport while at St. Thomas after we took a cool tour around the island. It was a very small island but definitely very beautiful.

Tuesday was our at sea day on the boat. It’s amazing all the things cruises have for you to do. Shows, comedy, casinos, arcades, movies. And we did everything.

Our next stop was St. Barbados. Taxis were crazy expensive so we decided to rent a car. Because we did, we probably saw way more than any other tour because of how many times we got lost haha. It was a really cool day, got to the beach, swam with wild sea turtles right in front of your face (I took a go pro video but for some reason it didn’t work….bummer), and saw some cool caves.

We got some cool videos with our go pro! Here are a few snapshots.

After Barbados was St. Lucia. This was probably all of our favorites. Drew found an awesome company and booked us a land and sea tour and we got to see it all. We saw waterfalls and volcanos, ate lunch at a nice little restaurant and snorkeling on the beach, and a cool boat ride around part of the island. It was a great day.

Thursday was St. Kitts where we went zip lining! It was my first time and it was fantastic! Friday was St. Maarten where we relaxed on the beach and got a little more sun. Unfortunately, these pictures were on a different SD card and I can’t find it. I’m hoping it will magically appear sometime but all in all, we had a fantastic time with Drew and Aaron and it was nice to get a away for a little while and celebrate the next journey of our lives. Ryan got a 25 on the DAT (which is AMAZING!!!) and in the next few months we will decide where we want to go for dental school next year….super exciting stuff!